Friday, November 20, 2009

About Rachel.

Hey guys,

Things are going pretty well with us here AZ. The temperature is dropping, days are become too short and I am stoked for Christmas. We have had a first snow of the year and as the year comes to a close that means one thing to us......BABY! January is fast approaching and we are getting more and more excited about our little bundle of joy to arrive and hang out with us.

During the pregnancy things have been text book. From belly measurements to weight gain to blood work, perfect across the board. However last week Rach had a cold so early this week we went to the doctor to see whats up and they noticed something funny about her heart, its beating like a marathon runners and this concerned them a bit.

So Rach was ordered to get an EKG and go to a cardiologist. The cardiologist so far isn't sure what is wrong with her. After an echocardiogram and some blood work everything looks fine, except for her high heart rate. So today she is strapped to a little machine that records her heart rate and hopefully this will help them determine whats wrong with my beautiful wife.

Please pray that they find the issue and that is something that is easily resolved. Thanks folk. Cheers.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Take it all in.

I love the smell of a bike shop. If you have a chance tomorrow, go into your local bike shop and take a deep breath. Its something about the mix of rubber, spandex and chain lube that really calms the spirit. I hope tomorrow to have the opportunity to enjoy that smell, that's if the shop is done fixing my rear wheel. Also, a day off + perfect weather = an excellent day to ride.
