Saturday, September 22, 2012

Tri-ing Again.

I'm going to start doing somethings that I used to do that I don't do anymore, but miss.

1. Blogging--I really enjoyed my blog and I'd like to start writing again. I'll elaborate more later about why I quit.

2. Cycling--I like bikes. I was in a decent bike crash a couple of years ago and the fear that crash induced has kept me from a sport I really enjoy participating in.

3. Triathlons--Ever since I was a kid I have thought triathlons were really cool. I have done a few short ones in the past and I now that I am getting over my fear of bikes triathlons are coming back into my life. My first one in years is this weekend and I am extremely excited about it.

I'm excited about restarting my blog. Should be fun.
