Monday, March 13, 2006

Jeffery's Bay


C-Kruis is part of a fellowship of ministries in SA called Service Year for Christ. Once a year all these ministries come together for a retreat/conference called Family Festival. Well this year Family Festival was held at one of the minisries base of operations in Jeffery's Bay. It is at the beach and we had the best time. There were teachings and sessions with worship and some great speakers. Plus we got to meet and mingle with the other Service Year ministries. We arrieved back in Pretoria on Friday night after the long 12 trip and now are back at work rehearsing for the new show called Kate and Terri. I must say that Pretoria doesn't have the appeal that Jeffery's Bay has, but I must say Guinness was very glad to not be with the dog-sitter any more.

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