There's just something about California.
I remember the first time I flew to California. It was 2002 and Traveling Mercies went to Palm Springs to perform at a Believe conference. It was such an awesome experience to be on the west coast for the first time. We flew into Ontario airport and drove a rented vehicle out to Palm Springs. What I remember most were the huge windmills, there are huge! Plus on the way back to the airport we stopped for In N Out......life changing.
After that show there were several other trips to California, each memorable in its own way. Jay Leno (where's that pic?), touching the Pacific for the first time, Flaps getting kicked out of a hotel, driving the length of Cali on route to Portland, California Mike, surfing, fish tacos, Rodeo Drive, freaking Knotts Berry Farm, RV catching fire (or something), watching the 2004 election in an RV park, the G Ride, Roscos Chicken and Waffles, hanging with DSM, Alfie, Walk of Fame, seeing the Hollywood sign from the RV window, filming in San Diego.
But, with all the trips and memories there were always staples.....In N Out and that feeling you always get in California that something rad could be just around the corner.
There's just something about California.
We visited a camp yesterday and had a great day. David, Aaron and I Flew out of PHX early into Burbank, drove up north an hour or so to Ojai Valley camp (or something like that). Its a cool place, laid back vibe, beautiful trees, carpet ball. We walked around, talked to some staff and campers and left. From the camp we went to the beach where we would surf and have a 'beach day', its near the Ventura pier if that means anything to you. I would have loved to have gone to the beach for camp when I was in high school, I mean you sign up for surf lessons as an afternoon rec activity. Sweet.
So we walked the beach, ate some sword fish and drove back to Burbank to catch our flight home. It was a really long day, but well spent. I think we will have a great high school week of camp there next summer.
When we were flying out I was looking down at all the houses and apartments and tried to imagine how many people were out there trying to 'make it' in the biz. I envied them a little, they had the guts to go for something that so many people fail at, but there's just something about California that makes people want to try to do something amazing. Cheers.