Dan Updates.
My friend Dan fell in a climbing accident last weekend. He is still in the hospital and has a long road to recovery ahead of him. Another friend of ours, Kris, is putting regular updates on his blog. You can see his blog here.
My friend Dan fell in a climbing accident last weekend. He is still in the hospital and has a long road to recovery ahead of him. Another friend of ours, Kris, is putting regular updates on his blog. You can see his blog here.
Posted by
Chris and Rachel
3:39 PM
I spent this last week directing a High School camp at a different camp in Ventura County, California. The camp was called Forest Home: Ojai Valley and that area is wonderful. Its located about an hour and a half or two hours north of LA and its a beautiful area.
The camp went really well and it was a great group of students and sponsors to and out with.
The speaker for the week was named Jim Burgen from Flatirons Community Church near Boulder, CO. If you ever get a chance to check out their church you should.
One of the main points that we are talking about at high school camps is to serve others. So one of the days we go and volunteer at different organizations and get the kids an idea of what can be done in their communities.
One of the groups went to a homeless mission called Turning Point. It is a place for people that are rejected from the homeless shelters.
While at Turning Point some students cleaned and organized closets full of clothes and supplies, some kids cleaned windows and scrubbed floors and some other kids did something that will stick with them for a long time. Every night the mission fills up so the lady who runs it has people sleep on the floor and on couches, when those fill up so has them sleep on a dirt patch out behind the main living area. The kids had the job of pulling weeds and tilling up some of the dirt to make it a softer place to sleep. After the day of service the kids talked about how they couldn't believe that people were sleeping out behind this building on dirt. I think it really put their lives into perspective and opened their eyes to how some other people live life. Hopefully they will have a greater appreciation for serving those in need in their communities. Cheers.
Posted by
Chris and Rachel
7:02 AM
I figured out that last Sunday it had been 10 years since Rachel and I met. It was June 1999 and Rach was traveling with her college, Atlanta Christian College, to summer camps promoting the school. We worked together for a week at Tri State Christian Camp and I honestly fell in love with her that week. She was everything I had wanted in a wife.
Its been an amazing 10 years.
While we have known each other for 10 years, Monday will be our 7th wedding anniversary. I feel so blessed to have such an amazing wife.
As we look to the future we are so excited because in January we will be having our first baby!!! Yep, Ray Ray is preggers and we couldn't be happier. Shes 10 weeks now from everything the doctors have seen things are going well and there are no problems. She's super tired all the time, but hasn't dealt with too much morning sickness. She's only had a couple of 'crazy pregnant lady' breakdowns, but to me they were beautiful because they are just part of the process.
We are so excited. Cheers.
Posted by
Chris and Rachel
3:05 AM
Land of the Lost sucked.
Like so bad that we almost left early because we could have been spending that time sleeping, rather than watching this awful movie. I know some people don't like Will Ferrell (side note: those people are dumb, sorry Jeni), but this was like nothing I had ever seen.
As the movie was going on I thought to myself that maybe its not that funny to me because its for kids. However, if it is for children don't take them because the language is bad. My Nanny would be so made at me if I wrote those words on this blog.
Whatever, don't waste your money on this movie. If you would like to throw that money away please feel free to send it to me, I'll buy spandex shorts with it. Cheers.
Posted by
Chris and Rachel
2:43 AM
The new Typomash is up. My article is on page 26 and its titled Homecoming. Check out the whole magazine there are some great articles by some really cool people. Enjoy.
Posted by
Chris and Rachel
2:22 AM