Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Movie Night.
Ray and I went to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button last night and we both loved it. I think its a great story and the execution of the story is amazing. Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett both did great jobs playing the different stages of life. Plus, the make up artists did a fantastic job making them look the ages they were playing. Check it out. Cheers.
Posted by
Chris and Rachel
4:15 AM
Friday, December 26, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Ray and I had a great Christmas at home in AZ this year. We both agree that a winter Christmas is waaaaayyyyyyy better than our summer African ones the past 3 years. However, we didn't have a white Christmas like we thought we would, instead we had a rainy, muddy, cold, nasty Christmas. Oh well.
We got up and opened our presents this morning. Ray got a bunch of Bath and Body Works stuff from me, including a sweet new robe. Plus she got some great gift cards, scarf and nice nativity scene candle things from her family.
I got some Jeep stuff, WOOHOO! A Daystar dash panel to hold cell phone and other sundries. I also got some grab handles, a little took kit and flashlight to keep in the Jeep. Besides Jeep stuff I got a couple Xbox games, a sweet hat (kind of like the one in the link, Ray hates these hats, hahaha) and a couple of gift cards from family and friends.
It was a nice Christmas. I hope you all had a great holiday and have a wonderful new year. Cheers.
Posted by
Chris and Rachel
8:02 AM
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tis the Season to be Merry....Thats my name....
Christmas Eve is a great night. Ray and I went to church and on the way home picked up some sushi and some Red Truck and then made a fire and watched some Christmas Vacation. Doesn't get better than that. Cheers.
Posted by
Chris and Rachel
6:44 AM
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Diamond Dave.
I think this is so funny that I cracked up on my couch, alone, until I starting coughing. I hope you find enjoyment in it.
South Africans that see this site may have no idea what is going on....just a warning.
Beans, I think you will appreciate this.
Posted by
Chris and Rachel
8:47 PM
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
My friend's, Justin Unger, song, "In You Alone," is up for Song Discovery Independent Song of the Year. You can help by voting; follow the link below to vote (Justin is the 9th song listed in the first category).
He's the worship leader at the church Ray and I go to. I also get to play with him so it would be cool if he won this award. Cheers.
Posted by
Chris and Rachel
5:00 AM
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Let it Snow.
We are getting our first real snow over the next few days, I love when it snows. Cheers.
Posted by
Chris and Rachel
4:46 AM
Friday, December 12, 2008
Heres whats been going on with us.
-My best friend, Chad (and his wife), came to visit for his 30th bday. We had a blast hanging with them, hadn't seen him since 2005.
-I'm learning to work with After Effects and I love it/ hate it when I can't figure out what I am doing.
-The worship leader at church, Justin Unger, has a couple of albums out and I am getting to play electric guitar for him for a couple of shows coming up. Thats going to be fun.
-Ray and I got a Xbox 360.
-Its supposed to snow in a few days, I hope we get a couple of inches at least.
-Ray is kicking butt at work, I am so proud of her.
-I love Christmas time!
-I love my Jeep! I'm getting a little lift and she's gonna look sweet!
-Rachel and I have met some cool friends in town, that neither of us work with, and its fun getting to know new folks.
-I'm so lazy and can't get motivated to work out.
-I am in love with eggnog.
Thats about it. Cheers.
Posted by
Chris and Rachel
7:14 AM