Monday, April 10, 2006

Winter Clothes

Hey Friends,

I am in the hunt for winter clothes and I have an issue. I can't find any quality thrift stores in this beautiful land. For you who don't know, I am a big fan of second-hand clothing, I would guess that 75% of my shirts and tops were used when I purchased them. I hate the idea of spending lots of money on clothes, I personally think it is such a waste of funds. However, without good thrift stores I am forced to go get clothes at the mall. I went the other day and found one nice shirt for $10, so I am on my way to a nice warm winter. If you have never gone thrift store shopping I would highly recommend it. Just looking through all the racks for that one perfect shirt is great. I would stay away from the underpants though, thats a little gross. Have a great day.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

of course! of said "underpants".

That never ceases to make me laugh.